
Private Circle

See real-time locations of your family members and track your loved ones.


Location Alerts

Receive notifications as loved ones come and go from personalised places


24/7 Panic Button

Trigger a silent security alert and the closest private security will come to you.


Medical Assistance

Get the closest private ambulance to you when you use our Medical panic button.


How safety works

Tap the alert button

Select what assistance you need. Our app will pinpoint the nearest emergency response vehicle to your location.

Answer your phone

Our Operators will call to confirm you are in need of assistance. The nearest emergency response vehicle will be dispatched immediately to your exact location If you do not answer the phone we will still send someone to your location

Track the responder

You will be notified of the emergency responders movement until they have arrived on scene.

Peace of mind with LocaTrack

How location sharing works

Peace of mind with LocaTrack

Create a circle

Real-time location of your family members and close ones. Create a private circle with invite-only members, to see your family or friend's real-time whereabouts easily throughout the day.

Place Alerts

Add a place and get your family to do the same. Receive notifications as family members come and go from their personalised places.

View Location History

Explore past trips, retrace steps, and view stops made along the way.


A great choice for independent travellers


  • 1 User
  • Location sharing
  • Unlimited place alerts
  • Unlimited circles
  • 3 days of location history
  • Go incognito for privacy
  • Instant medical response
  • Private security response
Solo Safety: Ideal for individuals on the go


  • 1 User
  • Location sharing
  • Unlimited place alerts
  • Unlimited circles
  • 30 days of location history
  • Go incognito for privacy
  • Instant medical response
  • Private security response
Family First: Comprehensive security for your loved ones


  • Up to 5 Users
  • Location sharing
  • Unlimited place alerts
  • Unlimited circles
  • 30 days of location history
  • Go incognito for privacy
  • Instant medical response
  • Private security response

Frequently asked questions

Account Management

Only the actual person on the account can change or update personal information such as their picture, name, email address or phone number.

Follow these steps:

  1. Tap on 'Menu icon' on the top left corner.
  2. Tap your name at the top to edit your name and picture.
  3. Edit your phone number, email or password.

NOTE: Uploaded profile pictures need to be less than 10MB in size.

If you have forgotten your password, that is not a problem as resetting it is simple.

  1. In the app on the login screen, tap on “Forgot Password”.
  2. Type in the email address that you registered with to have a reset link sent to you by email
  3. Select the link received in the email and type in your new password.

That’s it! Your password has been reset successfully.


Unfortunately, LocaTrack cannot cancel the subscription for you.

You must cancel your subscription in order to not be billed, luckily LocaTrack has made it seamless for you to cancel your LocTrack subscription by following the steps below:

Uninstalling the app or deleting the Circle will NOT cancel your subscription.

For Android (Google Wallet subscribers):

  1. Go to the Play Store on your device.
  2. Tap Menu > Subscriptions.
  3. Find LocaTrack subscription and disable auto-renew.

For more information on Google Play subscriptions click here.

For iPhone (Apple in-app purchase subscribers):

  1. Open 'Settings'
  2. Tap on your name icon at the top of the screen
  3. Tap on 'Subscriptions'
  4. Find LocaTrack, tap on the icon and 'Cancel Subscription'

You can choose a different subscription offering, or tap Cancel Subscription to cancel your subscription. If you cancel, your subscription will stop at the end of the current billing cycle.

For more information on App Store subscriptions click here.

We offer a free version of LocaTrack app that includes all the basic features. We'd like to highlight these below:

  • Unlimited creation of circles
  • Unlimited number of favourite places
  • Unlimited location alerts
  • Real-time location sharing
  • 3 days of location history
  • Help alerts to circle members

The LocaTrack subscription includes everything in the free version as well as:

  • 30 days of location history
  • Instant access to medical response
  • Instant access to private security response
  • Go incognito for location history privacy

The 3 packages available are:

  • Solo Safety: Ideal for individuals on the go
  • Perfect Pairs: Seamless connectivity for couples
  • Family First: Comprehensive security for your loved ones
Check out the pricing plans


There are 3 types of alerts available on the LocaTrack app.

  • Alerts sent to a nearby Medical reponse unit. Subscription
  • Alerts sent to a private security response team located nearest to you.Subscription

In case of emergency, with the paid subscription, the LocaTrack app sends a message to the medical or response team, depending on your selection. They will call you to confirm your location, in case of an emergency, or request a cancellation code if it is not.

Paid Subscription

  1. Tap the '+' icon at the bottom.
  2. Tap the 'Alert' button.
  3. Tap the 'Security' or the 'Medical' button, depending on the emergency.
  4. A 5-second timer will appear on the screen, allowing you to cancel.
  5. A notification will pop up once the alert has been sent.
  6. The response teams as well as your circle members will receive notifications.
  7. A new circle will be created with the response team and they will call you to confirm the emergency.
  8. Tap on the 'Chat' bubble to open a chat screen with the response team.

We have added a coverage map to the map based on the location you are in.

  1. Tap the 'LocaTrack' icon at the top left.
  2. A menu system will appear with a list of features you can access.
  3. Tap the 'Coverage Map' feature.
  4. The Security covered areas are highlighted in blue.
  5. The Medical covered areas are highlighted in red.

You will need to ensure that your location is on, to check if you are covered in that area.


Circles are a way to stay connected to the most important people in your life. Circles allow you to keep an eye on all circle members at any time of the day.

The circle will allow you to have real-time location sharing, manage frequently visited places and receive notifications on arrival or departure, view location history and send/receive alerts from all members within the circle.

The circle admin will decide who is invited and who isn't. We know how important privacy is.

To get started:

  1. Tap on the '+' at the bottom of the screen to open the menu.
  2. Tap on 'Circles' and name your new Circle.
  3. Receive a notification that the circle has been created successfully.

To invite someone to join your Circle:

  1. Tap on the '+' at the bottom of the screen to open the menu.
  2. Tap on 'Invite'
  3. If you have more than one circle, tap on the drop-down arrow and select the circle.
  4. Tap 'Generate code' and select the 'share' button to see a list of the messaging apps on your phone
  5. Choose your preferred messaging app (text, email, Whatsapp, etc)
  6. Select the contact(s) you want to invite
  7. Send the pre-filled invite message to your contact(s)
  8. Each person you invite will need to download the app and create their own account NOTE: They need to use their own phone number, email address and password, not yours. Otherwise, you will both be located in the same place.

At this stage, you would have received an invite to be a part of a friend/family's circle. If you are new to Loca, you would need to download the app from the relevant app store (Android/Apple) and create your own account.

If you are an existing user, you would need to accept the invite and join the circle.

Join the circle using the following steps:

  1. Tap on the '+' at the bottom of the screen to open the menu.
  2. Tap on 'Join'
  3. Copy the invite code sent to you.
  4. Tap 'Join' and receive a notification that the circle has been created successfully.

Yes, you can leave a circle at any time.

Here is how to do that:

  1. Tap on the 'menu' button in the top left corner
  2. Tap on the 'Circle Management'
  3. Tap on the pencil of the circle you want to leave
  4. Tap on 'Leave Circle'

If you are the Admin of a Circle, you can remove someone from the Circle.

  1. Tap on the 'menu button' in the top left corner
  2. Tap on 'Circle Management'
  3. Tap on the name of the person you wish to remove
  4. Tap on 'Remove Member'
  5. Receive a confirmation that the person was removed from the circle.

Yes, but only as an Admin user. To delete the circle.

  1. Tap on the 'menu button' in the top left corner
  2. Tap on 'Circle Management'.
  3. Scroll to the circle you want to delete
  4. Tap on the 'pencil icon' next to the circle name and select delete.

A confirmation will pop up to ensure that you are certain that you want to delete the circle. Once you have deleted the circle, all members in the circle will receive a notification that the circle has been deleted.

Many users have more than one Circle. When you want to switch between Circles, tap on the Circle Switcher at the top of the screen and tap on the Circle you want to view.

Yes! You can join multiple circles.


Places are a great way to know when your loved ones are leaving work or just arrived at school. Places are areas you can define so you are alerted when a Circle member enters or leaves a location.

Follow these steps:

  1. Tap on the 'Places' button at the bottom of your screen
  2. Tap on the 'Enter address' field.
  3. Enter an address or location name directly in the box at the top. A list of suggestions will appear. Choose the one you want.
  4. Tap on the 'save' icon to save the address.
  5. Tap on the 'pencil' icon to change the name of the place (i.e Home etc).
  6. Tap on the 'members' icon to adjust the radius of the geofence.
  7. Tap on the 'members' icon to be notified when Circle members arrive and leave the place you created

You can delete a Place as long as you created it or if you are an Admin in the Circle.

To delete the Place, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on 'Places' button
  2. Tap on the 'pencil' icon on the place you want to delete
  3. Tap on 'Delete' at the bottom of the screen

When setting up Places, it is important that two or more Places do not overlap each other. If they do, you will receive inaccurate Place alerts.

Edit a Place and Alerts in the App:
You can edit the Place and the radius as long as you created it.

To edit a Place, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on 'Places' at the bottom of your screen
  2. Tap on the 'members' icon to select which members you want to receive notifications when they arrive and depart the place you created.
  3. You can turn on/off 'arrive' and 'depart' notifications by tapping on the sliders next to the members' names.
  4. You can change the Place radius by adjusting the scroller.

Value-added features

We have added 41 languages to the app including Afrikaans, Sesotho, isiXhosa and isiZulu.

  1. Tap the 'LocaTrack' icon at the top left.
  2. A menu system will appear with a list of features you can access.
  3. Tap the 'Languages' feature.
  4. Swipe the language to the left to change the language of your choice.

Emergency alerts as well as notifications you set up for your members arrival and departure are located here.

  1. Tap the 'LocaTrack' icon at the top left.
  2. A menu system will appear with a list of features you can access.
  3. Tap the 'Notifications' feature.
  4. Swipe the notification to the left to delete the notification.